Be There Learning

Be There provides education that provides output.

Courses are content led and produce an end product for the real world.

We run…
· Courses that are fun.
· Courses that take you out and about.
· Courses that bring people together.
· Courses that let you have your say.

Be There Learning provides interactive training for people at any level of learning. The courses are fun and designed to suit your lifestyle. We look for outcomes that involve the student being more involved in the media, the community or just reach new people and organisations.

Courses take place in the classroom or online, one to one or in groups. You will be taught by experienced and supportive teachers who will build your confidence and provide you with opportunities to be directly involved with projects, as well as promote your work through print or online.

Currently we are running courses that focus on journalism and creative writing but will be providing courses in all elements of cultural activity. Please contact us with your specific interests.


Caring Voices

We will be promoting stories from those working within the healthcare system during this unprecedented period. Stories will be about personal struggles of staff working within hospitals and care settings, both home and abroad. Different styles will be used to collect a unique look at what it really means to care.

Harbour Magazine

Harbour is a new Merseyside magazine produced by people with English as a second language. Our aim is a fresh view of the region. A platform. A place not to be judged. A harbour.